This course is designed to improve your own competences regarding COL&V. It is divided into 4 learning units with different focuses, which can be worked through individually. Below, you can find a process recommendation but it is not mandatory to follow the guideline.
- Teacher: Sabine Wiemann

The module "Facilitation of Design Thinking workshops" introduces the steps of the design thinking process, explains them and provides a number of methods and tools which can be applied to facilitate each step.
Each step is substantiated with a practical exercise to be applied to a scenario, in which a team of educational project designers has set out to develop a new product transferring the sustainable development goals of the UN to practical applications.
- Teacher: Sabine Wiemann

Competence development is highly contextual. For example, teamwork competences do not exist in themselves; they have to be acquired and "lived" in the specific team context, which is determined by the members, the challenges, the vision, the goals, the environment and other external and internal factors.
Therefore, the validation (identification, assessment, documentation and certification) of competences only makes sense if we consider the contexts in which they are required and should be acquired.
In LEVEL5, reference systems are designed to enable this contextualisation by including specific contextual descriptors for learning outcomes (for design and validation purposes).
The LEVEL5 Approach module is designed to provide an introduction - both theoretical and practical - to validation.
- Teacher: Sabine Wiemann